Friday, June 5, 2009

no need for titles

i wanted to say, good morning sunshine, but there were no one to worth telling it. the people i care, either still sleeping, or in their university slash work, or they don't even have access to internet. I wish that right now, i would have find my friends online so, i won't have to send messages that i don't know on is a very very very very bad website because in these days, people are just using it for a booty call. Of course, it wasn't like that when i registered it. Indeed, i was kind of forced to be in it. I was taking a class in Santa Monica College and it was about the personal improvement kinda thing and it was our homework to make a myspace page about our life- how silly is it, right? thank god, in last couple of weeks, i realized that all my information held in that place so delete them all....
i dunno why i am writing so much. maybe its cuz i am trying to make a distraction for myself about the whoooole twilight-new moon-eclipse, movie and edward thing....
did i say edward? yes, i did... right?? that means that i gotta go to read more... i have a hunger about it. No offense Mr. Robert Pattinson, the obsession is not for you, its for Edward. But, if you ever come to me like you're Edward, or at least if you behave as him-not as a vampire of course- i might fall for it. By the way, i still couldn't understand why you're twitter page is not working. i was so happy that you were gonna discover me and fall in love me.
I am not donna dump my boyfriend of course, he is the one for me. But i don't mind a long walk with you if you take me to the beach on the nighttime...
But before you think, you need to be sure about one thing- i won't let you to kiss me. we're just gonna be friends.

PS:Thank God, that officially i have 3followers and i know for sure, one is not even following me. another one.... i don't think he has time to spend time on here. Just one girl, she is one of my best friend, just one girl-Eda, she is following me.......

Follow me! If you want to get lost between my words, inside my world. You'll be amazed how i can imagine the future and make everything real.


  1. hey, here's another follower as has always been...

  2. heeey, that was me, not korhan. he was using my laptop and left his gmail open....
